UPDATE: 10.14.14
First off, I would just like to personally thank everyone that has joined me on this incredible journey. I would be nowhere without all of your support, love, and feedback. It means the world to me, and I am so grateful. :)
With that being said, I just want to update you all with what's going on and my plans for the future of this website.
As of right now I am juggling working on this website with my full-time job and my family of my man and my kitty. :) Every day I go to work for 8+ hours, come home and experiment in the kitchen, do my social media bidding, work on updating the website and typing up recipes, research recipe topics, etc. Any days off are dedicated to the kitchen or website. I do everything for this website, from recipe development to website maintenance to marketing — even just hitting the streets and going to comic book stores with baked goodies and business cards to spread the word. It's beyond exhausting, but I love every minute of it.
So as the popularity of the website grows, so do my concerns with where my site stands.
Right now I use Wix, which is a fantastic starter website. It was so easy to get this site up and running it was ridiculous. I don't remember much code from when I ran my high school band's website 10 years ago, so this whole drag-and-drop interface really appealed to me. With all that ease also comes major hurdles. The storage space is next to none, so there is really no prospect of growing a large website. There are also not as many features as I need, and the ones offered are extra fees and aren't top notch (if you have used that $5-a-month search bar, then you understand my frustrations).
So with all this being said, I have done my homework and I plan on building a brand new website using Wordpress. I have it figured out to where I can keep this existing site running whilst I build a bigger, better, more user friendly website on the side. This will allow for a more pleasant user experience, and a chance for this project to really blossom. With this, I can also sell non-tacky adspace and generate some funds, which will ultimately result in me having more time and resources to bring you more recipes!
I want to take my time building this new website and do it right. It's going to a process that I anticipate taking several months - I want to experiment with different layouts and figure out which works the best. I want to create the best nerd-based recipe website this side of the .coms. With this I will require patience from my fans, friends, and family. I will still post recipes on my existing site, just not as frequently as I would like. It will be for the greater good though, I promise! Once a solid website is built, I will be able to focus more on what you (and I) want — more recipes, more pro-tips, more content, more frequently!
Thank you all again for your continuing support, and I will keep you all updated with the progress! You can also sign up for email updates at the bottom of the page!
Little Miss Nerd Chef